Minority Leader: How to Lead from the Outside and Make Real Change by Stacey Abrams
BOOK 25 OF 2021
RATING: 3.5/5
I picked up Abrams' book the week I started my new job: I was looking for something to inspire me to take action and take advantage of the energy and excitement I have about starting a new role and making an impact in the company I’m working for.
It had a lot of great advice on how to network, rise above, and thrive in the workplace (especially if you're a woman or a minority).
Abrams is a fascinating woman. I think my expectations for this book were skewed; I wanted it to read more memoir than advice and alchemy (although the advice and alchemy parts were really good)!
I'm eager to pick up her other book, Our Time is Now: Power, Purpose, and the Fight for a Fair America, as well as her romance novels. Did you know Abrams is a published romance-suspense novelist?! Well she is! And if her writing in Minority Leader is any indication as to what her chops are at writing a romancey thriller book, I think they'll be well worth the read!