Book Review: The Regrets by Amy Bonnaffons
Book: 15/100
Rating: 4.5/5
Summary: Thomas is dead. Well, not really. Because of a clerical error he has to do a 90 day stint on earth governed by the bureaucracy of the afterlife where he has to avoid anyone form his previous life and not incur any regrets during his 'in between time'. When he notices Rachel at his local coffee shop, he can't promise he won't incur any regrets...
Thoughts: Wow, another winner for 2020! I absolutely adored this book. The characters were believable and funny, the story was quirky, and it was a ghost story unlike any others I've read. Think The Good Place meets The Leftovers. I enjoyed seeing the romance between Thomas and Rachel unfold, and the secondary characters that were later introduced. I'm intentionally not saying much about the plot because this is one that will be best absorbed blind!
If you're looking for a unique story that you can read in one sitting: I recommend this one. This book has set the bar very high for my February reading!
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