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Rach Reads

Book Review: The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

Book: 132/150

Rating: 3/5

Shouts to my ride or die: my booklight (and this is actually my first picture of me with bangs)!

Ahhh, my fantasy kick is continuing! But I've made the mistake of reading multiple fantasy series' at the same time. I've read Caraval (I currently have the second and final book), and just got Throne of Glass from the library which I'm dying to read after seeing lots of friends reading it. I have also committed to a buddy read of Crescent City in September. It's all happening!

OKAY, on to a review. The Cruel Prince follows our heroine Jude, her twin Tarryn, and sister Vivian, after their parents are murdered and they are taken to live in the treacherous High Court of Faerie. Jude has a hard time fitting in given she's a human and the immortal fey tend to hate humans. Jude wants to be a knight, and unlike faeries, she can LIE. She uses this to her advantage and discovers her knack for trickery and deceiving others.

There are lots of little twists and turns in this one. It was a fine book, but nothing super memorable. Jude is a fun character to watch and it's interesting to read a book where the majority of the character's can't lie. I think I will continue this series (especially after that ending), but I will prioritize my other fantasy reads first.

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